Gembrook Park Planting

Gembrook Park Planting

The Friends of Gembrook Park recently completed a planting of 1500 plants in a revegetation zone in the Park, with the assistance of students from local schools including Officer Specialist School, Gembrook PS, Beaconhills College and Macclesfield PS.

The site is amongst the Manna Gum Forest and was previously over run with Forget-Me-Not Weed (Myosotis sylvatica), years of this groups dedication to weeding the area has paid off and is bringing this weed under control.

The Gembrook Primary School eco warriors and students from Officer Specialist School also played a large part in assisting the group over the years with the removal of weeds and planting of indigenous plants.

The aim of this planting which was made possible through a grant from Landcare Australia, is to increase the indigenous vegetation so that there will be less incursion of weeds into the forest areas and create important habitat for local fauna.

One of the parks walking tracks is located within this revegetation area, so visitors to the park can observe the progress of the planting.

Looking for somewhere to take a forest walk ? why not take a walk through Gembrook Park, if you’d like to help out in the park the Friends meet for a Working Bee every Thursday at 9am Keep up with Friends of Gembrook Park on their Facebook Page