Shop our wide range of plants Indigenous to Cardinia Shire
Archive for tag: Indigenous Plants
APS Meeting @ CEC Nursery
Australian Plant Society Cardinia region meeting will be held at the CEC Nursery where our Manger Adele Richardson will give...

On the 17th December , Staff and volunteers from the CEC got together to celebrate the end of the year with lunch and a walk...

Weed Watch: Arum Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
A terribly invasive plant that invades waterways, bushland and pastures This weed is spread easily by seed and vegetation, the most effective way to combat...
Friends of Kurth Kiln AGM & Working Bee
The Friends of Kurth Kiln meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Kiln, new members are always welcome....
Gembrook Park Working Bee
Friends of Gembrook Park Working Bee Every Thursday 9am-12pm Ph 0407 011 344 for more information

Native Heath or Weed ?
Be aware that the invasive weed Spanish heath, is now in flower and easily misidentified for the native heath

Gembrook Park Planting
The Friends of Gembrook Park recently completed a planting of 1500 plants in a revegetation zone in the Park, with the assistance of students from...

Caring For Country Landcare Student Forum
On the 20th of June we welcomed grade 5/6 students from various schools to our education rooms to learn about different seed cases of Australian...
Gembrook Park Working Bee
Friends of Gembrook Park Working Bee Every Thursday 9am-12pm Ph 0407 011 344 for more information