Every garden is a place where wild plants and animals shelter, visit, or make their homes. By creating a wildlife friendly garden, you can help provide a place for our special native plants and animals. The Cardinia Shire Gardens for Wildlife Program is a free program that will help you learn how to create your own wildlife garden.

Even though there are many nature reserves throughout Cardinia Shire that provide habitat for native species, these reserves aren’t enough by themselves to guarantee the survival of some species. They need more, especially in urban areas. Which is why turning your garden into a haven for wildlife and encouraging your neighbours to do the same, is so important!


We are strong advocates for creating wildlife gardens across the Shire, so we recommend that you have a look at the Cardinia Shire Gardens for Wildlife Program website to find out more. You can also come and visit us at the CEC Nursery at Deep Creek Reserve in Pakenham, to ask advice about what plants would suit your wildlife garden!